School: Day Two-ish
I don't count the first day we get here as a real day, because we don't do a whole lot. But today is the day we started workshops, which marks the real work time. I have my initial, two-day workshop with Paula McClain, which so far is AWESOME--I also have her a mentor this semester, which I'm really excited about. I just really enjoy her poetry, and now I can say that I enjoy her no-nonsenseness about workshopping and poetry and writing in general. She just insists that you work. I need that.
So for anyone out there reading this that actually knows what I'm talking about, I workshopped a sestina today. Actually it's a psuedo-sestina, because it doesn't *exactly* follow sestina rules, but it's close enough for government cheese. Anyway, it was great to hear a different perspective, a "no-nonsense" perspective. It was good to be told I'm being ambitious in my writing, since that has, in the past, been the last thing I would accuse myself of. I am so used to the safe route, but let me tell you--the safe ones don't get far in this business. Just like in music or acting or any other profession that technically requires public approval for you to move up, you have to make yourself stand out. Frankly I'm wondering if I have the energy and the chutzpah to be this ambitious all the time! LOL If I could attach a file, I'd let you read the draft that currently stands. Maybe tomorrow after I've had time to think more about and make some revisions, I'll post them here.
It's just awesome being in a place where you don't have to think about other stuff....for now, it's just poetry. That's your life for ten days. I get so much done while I'm here....sometimes at home I struggle for inspiration, but never here. I need to find a way to bottle this and bring it with me wherever I go!